Containment Bay P1T6 (Extreme)

An up-to-date reference would be Nukemaru’s guide:

(English subtitled)

Things to check

  • Check the Sin and Punishment spread positions.
  • Check which tank takes which add.

(These two points are different from older macros.)


 H1/D1 ▲ H2/D2
  安置対角(or A) → 安置


■ Sin and Punishment
 H1/D1 ▲ H2/D2
■ Adds:2→3(MT)→1(ST)
    Infusion: Take solo
■ 2nd Meteorite
  Opposite safe corner (or A) → safe corner


The 1234 markers mark the boundary for the “weak” knockback.

The A marker is used as a gathering point to bait falloff AoEs during second Quasar.

XIVLauncher WaymarkPresetPlugin positions
{"Name":"Sophia EX","MapID":184,"A":{"X":18.4,"Y":0.0,"Z":-13.3,"ID":0,"Active":true},"B":{"X":0.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":0.0,"ID":1,"Active":false},"C":{"X":0.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":0.0,"ID":2,"Active":false},"D":{"X":0.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":0.0,"ID":3,"Active":false},"One":{"X":9.3,"Y":0.0,"Z":-9.3,"ID":4,"Active":true},"Two":{"X":9.3,"Y":0.0,"Z":9.3,"ID":5,"Active":true},"Three":{"X":-9.3,"Y":0.0,"Z":9.3,"ID":6,"Active":true},"Four":{"X":-9.3,"Y":0.0,"Z":-9.3,"ID":7,"Active":true}}

Equilibrium Tilts

  • Always move to the side with more tethers.
    • If the number of tethers on both sides are equal, move opposite the blue Meteor.
  • If the total number of meteors/tethers is even, go all the way to the edge.
  • If the total number of meteors/tethers is odd, stop around 1/4 of the way to the edge.

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Final Fantasy XIV Elemental DC Raid Macros