Alexander - The Heart of the Creator (Savage)


           MT    ST     (Crystal north)
     D1                 D2
  D3                      D4
         H1          H2
 Yellow balls:     DPS: NE, Healer: SW
 Green balls: Place north (Yesod-style Optical sight)
 Limit cut        ※ Arrows indicate player orientation
       3(7)←B                A→1(5)
                    ↑      ↑
                 4(8)   2(6)
・Odd (blue): 1, 5 faces east; 3, 7 faces west
・Even (red): Stand on the south side (face north)
 Lapiz green balls:    OT: 7 o'clock, others: place diagonally across from spawn point
 Kill order: SW → NW → NE → SE
 MT movement: SE → NW
 Last phase
・Spread to your Optical Sight positions after destroying the Plasma Shield
・Save the south tower
・Full attack during the second GA100!


散開  MT ST  (クリスタル北)
     D1   D2
    D3     D4
     H1   H2
黄玉 DPS:北東 ヒラ:南西
緑玉 北捨て
リミッターカット ※矢印はプレイヤーの向き
  3(7)←B     A→1(5)
     ↑     ↑
   4(8)    2(6)
ラピス緑玉 ST:7時 他:出現位置と対角線上
討伐順番 南西→北西→北東→南東
MT誘導  南東→北西
 ・2回目 GA100は避けずに全員でフルバフ攻撃

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Final Fantasy XIV Elemental DC Raid Macros