Alexander - The Eyes of the Creator (Savage)

This is Cien Choco’s macro for Pekoelog’s strat.



■■■■■ P1 ■■■■■
■■■■■ P2(雑魚フェーズ)■■■■■
 ▼タイムマイト:MTタイム STマイト
■■■■■ P3(時間停止フェーズ) ■■■■■
   名誉:機A、竜B、忍C ※黒は空いた所へ
   接近禁止:優先順位 [左円]←黒 機 忍 竜→[A]
    集団:優先順位 [左円]←黒 機 忍 竜→[右円]
   名誉:C  接近強制:右円、禁止:A
   名誉:B  接近強制&禁止:右円
■■■■■ P4(隔離・結晶フェーズ) ■■■■■
 ▼タイムゲート:忍11時 竜1時 戦7時 学5時
■■■■■ P5(時空潜行フェーズ) ■■■■■
   接近禁止:優先順位 [9時]←竜 忍 機 黒→[3時]
■■■■■ P6(最終フェーズ) ■■■■■
   3時:竜→黒→MT 近接ヒール=学
   9時:忍→機→ST 近接ヒール=白


■■■■■ P1 ■■■■■
 ▼Red prey:↑WHM、↓SCH
 ▼Gravitational Anomaly:Bait underneath the boss
■■■■■ P2 (Adds phase) ■■■■■
 ▼Wing:Start from the east, go clockwise, melee LB the first add
 ▼Time/Might:MT: Time, OT: Might
■■■■■ P3 (Temporal Stasis phase) ■■■■■
 ▼Timestop (1st)
   Defamation:MCH: A、DRG: B、NIN: C ※BLM goes to the empty spot
   Shared Sentence:South-left
   House Arrest:South-left
   Restraining Order:MT: A, OT: South-left
   Both healers: South-right
   House Arrest: South-left
   Restraining Order: [South-left] ← BLM MCH NIN DRG → [A]
   Shared Sentence:   [South-left] ← BLM MCH NIN DRG → [South-right]
   House Arrest:South-right    Restraining Order: A
   House Arrent & Restraining Order: South-right
■■■■■ P4 (Judgment Crystal phase) ■■■■■
 ▼Timegate:NIN: NW, DRG: NE, WAR: SW, SCH: SE
■■■■■ P5 (Inception) ■■■■■
 ▼Inception(Treat the boss's location as 12 o'clock)
   House Arrest:3 o'clock
   Restraining Order:[9 o'clock] ← DRG NIN MCH BLM → [3 o'clock]
    ※ If tethered to a tank/healer, go to 9 o'clock
   Defamation:9 o'clock, House Arrest/Restraining Order: 3 o'clock
   Both healers go to 3 o'clock
■■■■■ P6 (Last phase) ■■■■■
 ▼Repentance(The front of the boss is 12 o'clock)
   3 o'clock:DRG → BLM → MT (SCH heals the NIN)
   9 o'clock: BLM → MCH → OT (WHM heals the DRG)
   Melee: Start on the inside from the north
   Ranged: Start on the outside from the south


At the time, only the ABC markers were available.

Now that more markers are available, I would place the markers as below. The A marker is hidden behind the boss.

“South-left” would be the 1 marker, while “South-right” would be the 2 marker.

ABD are used for Defamation during Temporal Stasis. 12 are used for Shared Sentence and Aggravated Assault during Temporal Stasis.

XIVLauncher WaymarkPresetPlugin positions

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Final Fantasy XIV Elemental DC Raid Macros