Alphascape V3.0 (Savage)

This is the “Haru Yamagata” strategy you’ll often see on PF, usually shortened to just “Haru strat” (ハル式 - “HARU shiki”)


【Flamethrowers】 |【1st Rocket Punch】
 D3    MT  D4  |    MT
 H1 BOSS H2  |    BOSS 
 D1    ST    D2    | D1  ① D2
※Dodge clockwise   | H1 D3 H2
※Relative to boss   |    ② D4
【Rocket Punch】Fix any errors at ①
Different colours:Bottom player stacks with top player
Same colours: Top player to ①, bottom player to ②
【Magnets】T+H→N or E/DPS→S or W
【Chains of Memory】H1:West H2:East(Rotate clockwise)
Tanks+DPS→North(N/S towers are near center)or South(N/S towers near outer edge)
Boss will face South after Delta Attack
【2nd + 3rd Rocket Punch】 Move to the marker based on your tether
【1st Pantokrator】 Stack behind the boss, rotate clockwise
【Pantokrator #1 Wave Cannons】 1st: T+H(cardinal positions), 2nd DPS(inter-cardinal positions)
【Proximity damage】 Gather NW corner(A marker), note boss faces south
【Red Rocket Punch】 Stack underneath the boss, Tank LB
【2nd Pantokrator】
Stack behind→Move to the front(Place the 4th AoE in front)
→After seeing whether the Flamethrowers go clockwise or anti-clockwise,
rotate accordingly
→After the 10th AoE around 9-10 o'clock (2-3 o'clock), stack behind the boss
※PLD moves to the edge and Invincibles
【Pantokrator #2 Wave Cannons】
  MT   ST
 D1/D3 D2/D4 ※1st Wave Cannons:D1、H1、D2
   H1/H2    ※2nd Wave Cannons:D3、H2、D4


 D3 MT D4    |    MT
 H1 ボス H2    |    ボス 
 D1 ST  D2    | D1  ① D2
※時計周り避け     | H1 D3 H2
※ボス基準散開     |    ② D4
【連鎖忘却】H1:西 H2:東(時計周り)
  MT   ST
 D1/D3 D2/D4 ※1回目:D1、H1、D2
   H1/H2    ※2回目:D3、H2、D4


Markers are used for Rocket Punch. 1 and 2 are for the first set (before the Level Checker), while ABCD are for the other Rocket Punches (after Level Checker).

XIVLauncher WaymarkPresetPlugin positions


(Credit: u/Syldris)

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