Alphascape V4.0 (Savage) - Part 1

Things to check on Party Finder

  • Light parties: Are the teams are determined by position (93固定, short for 9時3時固定), or determined by M/F (男女固定)- most groups do M/F
  • Remote Resistance: Will the bosses be brought together at a fixed location (usually at 3 o’clock, relative to the eye), or if the OT always moves to the MT.
  • Operational Synergy: Synthetic Blades: Whether the stack point for Pile Pitch is back-left (左後), or back-right (右後)
  • M/F Limit Break:
    • Where is Sagittarius Arrow pointing (towards the eye, or away from the eye).
    • Is the plan to tank LB3 the mechanic, or save LB3 for melee LB.


| Start at 3 o'clock, boss faces outside
| ■Shield Combo S | ■Transform M
|    MT    |     Eye
|   D1 ▲ D2   | MTH1← → STH2
| D3  ST  D4  | D1D3   D2D4
|   H1  H2   |※MT group takes M、ST group takes F
| ■Resonance
| 【Remote Resonance】 Gather at 3 o'clock
| ■ Fundamental Synergy
| 1, 3 goes to the opposite side
| 2, 4 by the boss's side
|      Eye   ※Sprint recommended
| MT group     MT group
|  ST group  ST group
| ■ Operational Synergy: Synthetic Shield
|  Shield spread+Debuff on 1 person→7 man stack in the middle
|   →Fire spread→M Dynamo→M Chariot→Laser Shower
| ■ Operational Synergy: Synthetic Blade
|  F center, 十-sign AoE+ stack behind-right→move behind F
|   →M Chariot+Fire spread
| ■Shield spread   | ■Fire spread
|     Eye    |    Eye
|   MT  D4  | D3  MT  D4
|  D3    H2 |
|     BOSS    | H1 BOSS  H2
|  H1    D2 |
|   D1  ST   | D1  ST  D2
D1 Priority: DRG>>>>>MNK>NIN=SAM


| 3時スタート ※基本外側向け
| ■シールドコンボS | ■トランスフォームM
|    MT    |     目
|   D1 ▲ D2   | MTH1← → STH2
| D3  ST  D4  | D1D3   D2D4
|   H1  H2   |※MTグループがM、STグループがF担当
| ■レゾナンス
| 【ファー】3時集合
| ■連携プログラムC
| 1、3番が対面に移動 2、4番がボス側で待機
|      目   ※対面移動時スプリント推奨
| MT組    MT組
|  ST組  ST組
| ■連携W - シールド
|  シールド散開+被ダメデバフ(1人)→中央で7人頭割り
|   →ファイラ散開→Mダイナモ→Mチャリオット→シャワー
| ■連携W - ブレード
|  F中心十字+右後ろで頭割り→F背面安置
|   →Mチャリオット+ファイラ散開
| ■シールド散開   | ■ファイラ散開
|     目    |    目
|   MT  D4  | D3  MT  D4
|  D3    H2 |
|     ボス    | H1 ボス  H2
|  H1    D2 |
|   D1  ST   | D1  ST  D2
D1優先度: 竜騎士>>>>>モ>忍=侍


(Credit: u/Syldris)

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