The Voidcast Dais (Extreme)
There are two strats that are going around:
- Game8 (Modified Hamkatsu) (this is by far the more common strat)
- FFO (Modified Nukemaru)
Things to check
Check the following things:
- How the groups are split for Void Stardust.
- Game8/Hamkatsu puts the MT group north, ST group south.
- Nukemaru/FFO puts the MT group west, ST group east.
- The stack positions during Terrastorm + Arctic Assault.
- Game8/Hamkatsu puts the MT group outside, ST group inside.
- Nukemaru/FFO puts the MT group inside, ST group outside.
- The FFO melee uptime variant puts melee inside (MTH1D1D2), and ranged outside (STH2D3D4).
To summarize:
- Game8/Modified Hamkatsu (ハムカツ改) → N/S Stardust, MT group outside (most common)
- FFO/Modified Nukemaru → E/W Stardust, MT group inside
- FFO melee uptime (アース氷近接内) → E/W Stardust, melee inside
Game8 (Modified Hamkatsu)
Game8 has gone ahead with Hamkatsu’s strat for Golbez EX.
*N.B: Hamkatsu has released a follow-up video where he updated the Gale Sphere positions to melee-in, ranged-out.
The key points to note are:
- Void Stardust splits are North/South.
- The MT group is outside for Terrastorm + Arctic Assault + stacks.
■ Spread (True North)ーーー《Game8》ーーーー
D3 MT D4 ■ 4:4 stacks
H1 ★ H2 West/Out: MT H1 D1 D3
D1 ST D2 East/In: ST H2 D2 D4
■ Lingering Spark ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
Move when cast finishes
■ Double Meteor ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
DPS: 3-man tower Flare: North
T/H: 2-man tower Flare: South KB: Mid
■ Void Stardust ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
North: MTD1/H1D3 South: STD2/H2D4
■ Gale Sphere #2, #3 (Stacks + Pairs) ーーーーーー
N/W:(H1D3 > MTD1) > (STD2 > H2D4):S/E
■ Eventide Triad ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
Tanks→North Healers→E/W DPS→South
D3 MT D4 | 西/外:MTH1D1D3
H1 ★ H2 | 東/内:STH2D2D4
D1 ST D2 | 縦安置 北:MT組 南:ST組
DPS:3人塔 フレア北
TH:2人塔 フレア南 ノックバック中央
北1:H1D3 北2:MTD1 南1:H2D4 南2:STD2
北/西 H1D3,MTD1,STD2,H2D4 南/東
T:北 東西:H 南:DPS
FFO (Modified Nukemaru)
Nukemaru has also released their guide to the fight, which is the base of the FFO strat.
If you take Nukemaru’s strat and also update the Gale Sphere positions like the Modified Hamkatsu strat, you get the FFO strat.
(English subtitled)
The key points to note are:
- Void Stardust splits are East/West.
- The MT group is inside for Terrastorm + Arctic Assault + stacks.
■ Spread (True North)ーーー《FFO》ーーーーーー
D3 MT D4 ■ 4:4 stacks
H1 ★ H2 West/In: MT H1 D1 D3
D1 ST D2 East/Out: ST H2 D2 D4
■ Lingering Spark ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
Move when cast finishes
■ Double Meteor ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
DPS: 3-man tower Flare: North
T/H: 2-man tower Flare: South KB: Mid
■ Void Stardust ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
West: MTD1/H1D3 East: STD2/H2D4
■ Gale Sphere #2, #3 (Stacks + Pairs) ーーーーーー
N/W:(H1D3 > MTD1) > (STD2 > H2D4):S/E
■ Eventide Triad ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
Tanks→North Healers→E/W DPS→South
D3 MT D4 | 西/内:MTH1D1D3
H1 ★ H2 | 東/外:STH2D2D4
D1 ST D2 | 縦安置 北:MT組 南:ST組
DPS:3人塔 フレア北
TH:2人塔 フレア南 ノックバック中央南向き
西:MT組 東:ST組
北/西 H1D3,MTD1,STD2,H2D4 南/東
T:北 東西:H 南:DPS
To get the FFO melee uptime variant, the groups for Terrastorm + Arctic Assault + stacks would be:
- Melees in (MTH1D1D2)
- Ranged out (STH2D3D4)
Game8/Hamkatsu uses the following markers:
are for orientation.- The
marker in the middle is for the healer knockback position.
XIVLauncher WaymarkPresetPlugin positions
{"Name":"Golbez EX","MapID":950,"A":{"X":100.0,"Y":0.029,"Z":87.0,"ID":0,"Active":true},"B":{"X":113.0,"Y":0.029,"Z":100.0,"ID":1,"Active":true},"C":{"X":100.0,"Y":0.029,"Z":113.0,"ID":2,"Active":true},"D":{"X":87.0,"Y":0.029,"Z":100.0,"ID":3,"Active":true},"One":{"X":100.0,"Y":0.029,"Z":100.0,"ID":4,"Active":true},"Two":{"X":100.0,"Y":0.029,"Z":100.0,"ID":5,"Active":false},"Three":{"X":100.0,"Y":0.029,"Z":100.0,"ID":6,"Active":false},"Four":{"X":100.0,"Y":0.029,"Z":100.0,"ID":7,"Active":false}}
You can use these markers instead:
are for orientation.- The
markers demarcate the boundaries of the Gale Force line AoEs (markers are not safe), and players can stand on the markers to get knocked back to the towers.
XIVLauncher WaymarkPresetPlugin positions
{"Name":"Golbez EX","MapID":950,"A":{"X":100.0,"Y":0.029,"Z":87.0,"ID":0,"Active":true},"B":{"X":113.0,"Y":0.029,"Z":100.0,"ID":1,"Active":true},"C":{"X":100.0,"Y":0.029,"Z":113.0,"ID":2,"Active":true},"D":{"X":87.0,"Y":0.029,"Z":100.0,"ID":3,"Active":true}, "One":{"X":103.9,"Y":0.029,"Z":96.1,"ID":5,"Active":true}, "Two":{"X":103.9,"Y":0.029,"Z":103.9,"ID":7,"Active":true}, "Three":{"X":96.1,"Y":0.029,"Z":103.9,"ID":6,"Active":true}, "Four":{"X":96.1,"Y":0.029,"Z":96.1,"ID":4,"Active":true}}
(Credit: u/ExiaKuromonji)
Frequently Asked Questions
[Game8] What was the modification made to Hamkatsu's to get to Game8?
The difference is in the lineup for Gale Spheres #2 and #3. Hamkatsu's original strategy has the tanks/healers and DPS line up differently:
This has a couple issues, namely that it is difficult for the MT and D1 to maintain uptime on the boss. Hamkatsu released a follow-up video where he updated the Gale Sphere positions to what we have now (melee-in, ranged-out), which Game8 picked up, hence the "Modified Hamkatsu". |
[FFO] What was the modification made to Nukemaru's strat to get to FFO?
The difference is how the two strategies resolves the 4:4 light party stacks during Gale Sphere #2 and #3.
If you take Nukemaru's strat, and replace Gale Spheres with the melee-in method in Hamkatsu's modified strat, you get the FFO strat. |