Asphodelos: The Third Circle (Savage)

PF uses Inumaru’s strat as a base, but puts Darkened Fires (闇の炎) on intercardinal positions (Shinosho), and replaces Fountain of Fire (霊泉) with Mr. Happy’s strat (see below).

English parties replace Firestorms of Asphodelos (FoA) with “my” strat (see below).

Things to check on Party Finder

  • Check the positions for the transition (older macros may have different positioning)


This is the macro often used in English parties. In particular, Firestorms of Asphodelos is, er, “my” strat.

 【Darkened Fire】  【Transition】
 D3/MT  [1]  D4/ST   MT▼D3
  [4] ▲ [2]     H1 D1
 D1/H1  [3]  D2/H2   H2 D2
 ※Destroy clockwise   ST  D4
【Adds】MTH1D1D3 N→W STH2D2D4 S→E
  Left (cw)→2 tethers Right (ccw)→1 tether
【Experimental Gloryplume - Spread】
   MT ST  ※ Melee (N/W), Ranged (S/E)
  D1 ▲ D2 ※ Explosions-Relative:
  D3   D4  1st→D1D4  2nd→MTH2
   H1 H2   3rd→STH1  4th→D2D3
【Fountain of Fire】(Mr. Happy)
  Start N or W:H1  MT→D1→D3
  Start S or E:H2  ST→D2→D4
【Firestorms of Asphodelos】 (Tuufless)
 ■ All Spreads: 《H+M (N)》  《T+R (S)》
   (Boss)   D1 D2    MT ST
   (Edge)  H1   H2  D3   D4
 ■ 1. Fan AoE→Stack/Spread
   Resolve at 1st slice on assigned N/S side
 ■ 2. Tethers + Tornadoes
     H2●      ※Tanks stack inside
       D1D2H1  boss circle + invuln
     ▼      ※D1D2H1 bait one fan
  ● MT+ST ●    AoE outside circle
  D3     D4  ※H1>D2 sub if needed
 ■ 3. Knockback
          Black tornado
   Healers+Melee   Tanks+Ranged
Japanese translation
  【闇の炎散開】   【突進時散開】
 D3/MT  [1]  D4/ST   MT▼D3
  [4] ▲ [2]     H1 D1
 D1/H1  [3]  D2/H2   H2 D2
 ※時計回りに破壊     ST  D4
【雑魚】MTH1D1D3北→西 STH2D2D4南→東
  外周に立ち中央を向く:左→線2本 右→線1本
   MT ST   ※ 近接:北(西)  遠隔:南(東)
  D1 ▲ D2 ※ 爆発基準:
  D3   D4  1回目→D1D4 2回目→MTH2
   H1 H2   3回目→STH1 4回目→D2D3
  北か西から:H1  MT→D1→D3
  南か東から:H2  ST→D2→D4
 ■ 散開位置 ヒーラー・メレー(北) タンク・レンジ(南)
  (ボス側)  D1 D2      MT ST
   (端側) H1   H2    D3   D4
 ■ 1. ピザカット→黒玉
 ■ 2. 線+扇範囲誘導
     H2●      ※タンク2人はボスサークル
       D1D2H1  内で重なって無敵
     ▼      ※ D1D2H1はボスサークル
  ● MT+ST ●    外3人で扇1枚受け
  D3     D4  ※竜巻の代理H1→D2の順
 ■ 3. ノックバック→黒玉
    ヒーラー・メレー組   タンク・レンジ組


This is the game8 macro often used by Japanese parties.

 D3/MT ① D4/ST
    ④ □ ②
 D1/H1 ③ D2/H2
【十字走火】大玉/小玉:基本北西 ※北東方面に出た場合北東
【突進:左右散開】←TH DPS→ ※縦の並びは中央散開
【雑魚誘導】MT組:北→西  ST組:東→南
近接組(MTSTD1D2):北安置 遠隔組(H1H2D3D4):南安置
塔踏みAOEスタート場所:MT組→北/西 ST組→南/東
AoEペア:MT/ST → D1/D2 → D3/D4
    MT   ST
D3    ボス    H1
〇  D1 D4 D2 〇
←近接     遠隔→
【赤小玉→黒小玉】 【赤大玉→黒小玉】
  MT ST    D1 MT D2 ST
     ★          ★
  D1  D2
  H1 H2    D3 H1 H2 D4
 D3    D4
ST D2  ★  H2 D4
 〇  D1  H1 〇
  MT    D3
English translation
【4:4 splits (adds/FoF)】
 MT group:MTH1D1D3 ST group:STH2D2D4
【Darkened Fires:Intercardinals】
 D3/MT ① D4/ST
    ④ ▲ ②
 D1/H1 ③ D2/H2
※Numbers on markers, destroy clockwise Fire
【Devouring Brand】Fireplume:NW 
      ※ NE if explosions appear there
 Mid:(Boss) MT/D3→H1/D1→H2/D2→ST/D4
 Sides:(Line up as above) ←TH DPS→
【Adds phase】MT:N→W  ST:E→S
 2 tethers:CW from opposite bird
 1 tether:Opposite corner from partner
【Experimental Gloryplumes】
 Melee (MTSTD1D2):N safe-spot
 Ranged (H1H2D3D4):S safe-spot
【Fountain of Fire:MrHappy】
 MT group→N/W ST group→S/E
 AoE pairs:MT/ST → D1/D2 → D3/D4
 ※ Resolve towers and AoEs moving clockwise
【Storms of Asphodelos】
     MT   ST
 D3    ▼    H1
 〇  D1 D4 D2 〇
【Black tornado knockback】
     Black tornado
 ←Melee     Ranged→
【1st Gloryplume】 【2nd Gloryplume】
   MT ST    D1 MT D2 ST
     ★          ★
   D1  D2
   H1 H2    D3 H1 H2 D4
  D3    D4
↑(FoA) Spread formation after 1st pizza AoE
【(FoA) Dodging pizza AoEs】
Wait at 3rd→Dodge to 1st→Spread/stack at 1st
【(FoA) Knockback Spread positions】
ST D2  ★  H2 D4
 〇  D1  H1 〇
  MT    D3


  • ABCD are for orientation, and for the transition stacks (if applicable).
  • 1234 are for:
    • Resolving the “Limit Cut” dice during Darkened Fires
    • Placing the eye thingies during Fledgling Flight.

XIVLauncher WaymarkPresetPlugin positions

Experimental Gloryplume

【Experimental Gloryplume - Spread】
   MT ST  ※ Melee (N/W), Ranged (S/E)
  D1 ▲ D2 ※ Explosions-Relative:
  D3   D4  1st→D1D4  2nd→MTH2
   H1 H2   3rd→STH1  4th→D2D3

The first Experimental Gloryplume always starts with the four explosions around the outside of the arena. We use these four explosions to determine where everyone is spreading.

For example, if the first two explosions were the ones below (east and west), then the final spread positions for the black orbs spread would look like:

    3             ST
 2     4       MT    D2
1       1  →  D1      D4
 4     2       D3    H2
    3             H1

Firestorms of Asphodelos

There are two main ways of doing Firestorms of Asphodelos (FoA) in PF.

  • Japanese parties will do follow Inumaru’s strat. (Inumaru FoA)
    • Tanks + Melee north
    • Healers + Ranged south
  • English parties will do “my” strat instead. (Tuufless FoA)


(Credit: u/Syldris)

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Final Fantasy XIV Elemental DC Raid Macros