Anabaseios: The Ninth Circle (Savage)

Game8 has gone with Nukemaru’s strat for P9S.

Things to check on Party Finder

  • Check the Chimeric Succession positions for players marked 1 and 2.
    • Some macros have 1 go west, and 2 go east.
    • Some macros have 1 go east, and 2 go west.


■ Spread    ■ Pairs (Rotate ccw for ×)
 D3 MT D4       MT/D3
 H1 ★ H2    H1/D1 ★ H2/D4
 D1 ST D2        ST/D2
■ Archaic Demonish (4:4 stacks)
 West:MTH1D1D3 / STH2D2D4 :East
■ Scrambled Succession (Limit Cut #1)
 Nothing:Start at 1, drop blue AoEs at walls
 Towers:6 → 8 → 2 → 4
     Fire:2 → 4 → 6 → 8 ※45° ahead of tower
■ Beast Phase
 Poison:CW from 12 o'clock D → T/H
 Cone AoEs:T/H → D
■ Chimeric Succession (Limit Cut #2)
 1 → E 2 → W 3,4 → N No debuff → S


■基本散開    ■ペア十字(X字反時計回り)
D3 MT D4         MT/D3 
H1 ★ H2       H1/D1 ★ H2/D4
D1 ST D2          ST/D2
西:MTH1D1D3 / STH2D2D4 :東
毒:12時から時計回り DPS>TH 扇誘導:TH→D
1→東 2→西 3,4→北 無職→南


The colours indicate the pairs positions (MT/D3 are on red, etc).

XIVLauncher WaymarkPresetPlugin positions

You may see the square markers rotated 90 degrees clockwise in Japanese parties.

XIVLauncher WaymarkPresetPlugin positions
{"Name":"P9S (JP)","MapID":937,"A":{"X":100.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":86.0,"ID":0,"Active":true},"B":{"X":114.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":100.0,"ID":1,"Active":true},"C":{"X":100.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":114.0,"ID":2,"Active":true},"D":{"X":86.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":100.0,"ID":3,"Active":true},"One":{"X":109.899,"Y":0.0,"Z":90.1,"ID":4,"Active":true},"Two":{"X":109.899,"Y":0.0,"Z":109.899,"ID":5,"Active":true},"Three":{"X":90.1,"Y":0.0,"Z":109.899,"ID":6,"Active":true},"Four":{"X":90.1,"Y":0.0,"Z":90.1,"ID":7,"Active":true}}


(Credit: u/ExiaKuromonji)

Scrambled Succession (Limit Cut 1)

Four orbs will spawn and be numbered with odd numbers in a clockwise, or anti-clockwise order.

Four random players will be numbered with even numbers.

  • The even-numbered players will be responsible for both baiting Fire AoEs in order, and resolving towers.
    • Fire AoEs are resolved in order: 2 → 4 → 6 → 8
    • Towers are resolved in order: 6 → 8 → 2 → 4

One way to remember it is that even-numbered players will always alternate between “doing something” (whether it’s baiting Fire, or soaking a tower), and “doing nothing”.

This leaves four players who are unmarked.

  • Unmarked players are responsible for baiting giant Ice AoEs.


This is the strat chosen by Game8 that involves splitting the party into two groups- players with numbers, and players without numbers.

  • Non-numbered players:
    • Start at the orb numbered 1.
    • Rotate to the next wall if you do not get a blue mark.
    • Rotate backwards when your Ice AoE resolves.
  • Numbered players:
    • Start at the orb numbered 5 (directly opposite).
    • Rotate when AoEs resolve.

1. Numbers appear. Split up into your groups.

  • No number: Go to the orb numbered 1.
  • Numbered: Go to the orb numbered 5 (directly opposite), and stay on the floor's inner-most ring.

Identify whether the orbs are increasing in a clockwise or anti-clockwise order.

  • The player numbered 2 can preposition at the edge, 45-degrees ahead of the other even-numbered players.

2. The first blue mark appears on a random player that did not have a number.

  • No number:
    • If you were marked: Move to the wall.
    • If you were not marked: Rotate 90 degrees to the next wall (move to the orb numbered 3).

3. The boss will become untargetable, teleport behind the orb numbered 1, and kick it across the arena.

When the orb hits the wall, it will explode in an AoE and leave behind a tower.

  • 6: Enter the tower after the orb explodes.

A second non-numbered player will get a blue mark.

  • If you were marked: Stay at the wall.
  • If you were not marked: Rotate 90 degrees to the next wall.

4. First round of AoEs resolve together:

  • A giant Ice AoE on the player with the blue orb
  • A Fire AoE on the even-numbered player.
  • The tower left behind by the first orb.

All players rotate 90 degrees.

  • The next numbered player (4) moves 45 degrees ahead of the party.
  • The player that had the giant AoE rotates 90 degrees in the opposite direction to join the even-numbered players.

5. The boss will teleport behind next orb (3), and kick it across the arena.

  • 8: Enter the tower after the orb explodes.

The next non-numbered player will get a blue mark.

  • If you were marked: Stay at the wall.
  • If you were not marked: Rotate 90 degrees to the next wall.

6. Second round of AoEs resolve together with the tower.

All players rotate 90 degrees.

  • The next numbered player (6) moves 45 degrees ahead of the party.
  • The player that had the giant AoE rotates 90 degrees in the opposite direction to join the even-numbered players.

7. The boss will teleport behind next orb (5), and kick it across the arena.

  • 2: Enter the tower after the orb explodes.

The remaining non-numbered player will get a blue mark.

  • Last non-numbered player: Stay at the wall.

8. Third round of AoEs resolve together with the tower.

All players rotate 90 degrees.

  • The next numbered player (8) moves 45 degrees ahead of the party.
  • The player that had the giant AoE rotates 90 degrees in the opposite direction to join the even-numbered players.

9. The boss will teleport behind final orb (7), and kick it across the arena.

  • 4: Enter the tower after the orb explodes.

10. Final round of AoEs resolve together with the tower.

Quickly heal up, and prepare for Two Minds.

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