Adelphel and Grinnaux


If you are already familiar with Adelphel and Grinnaux, and just need a summary:

Hyperdimensional Slash
  • South → North
D△  T× T□
D〇   D〇
D□ H× H△
Pure of Heart
  • HMRT

White orbs

These spots on the floor (the tips of the "spikes") on the safe side will be safe from the white orb explosions.


The important positions here are the two N/S crosses, and the E/W circles. This will come up again in the Playstation 2 tethers in Death of the Heavens.

【Playstation chains】
  D△  T× T□
  D〇   D〇 west: D1>2>3>4: east
  D□ H× H△


The general order goes HMRT (Healer → Melee → Ranged → Tanks).

  • Ranged and melee alternate sides when dropping the Light Puddles.
  • Tanks are last so healers are not rushing to top up the party before Pure of Heart resolves.

This method for Pure of Heart allows for full melee uptime with minimal movement.

1. First set of baits.

  • Healers: Bait the first set of Brightwings.

2. Second set of baits.

  • Healers: Move in front of Ser Charibert to bait the puddles.
  • Melee: Bait the second set of Brightwings.

3. Third set of baits.

  • Healers: Rejoin the party stack to dodge the puddles.
  • Melee: Move behind Ser Charibert to bait the puddles.
  • Ranged: Bait the third set of Brightwings.

4. Fourth set of baits.

  • Melee: Rejoin the party stack to dodge the puddles.
  • Ranged: Move in front of Ser Charibert to bait the puddles.
  • Tanks: Bait the fourth set of Brightwings.

5. Last set of movement before Pure of Heart resolves.

  • Ranged: Rejoin the party stack to dodge the puddles.
  • Tanks: Move in front of Ser Charibert to bait the puddles.

6. Pure of Heart resolves.

  • Tanks: Rejoin the party stack to dodge the puddles.

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