Alpha Omega



This phase requires planning out and coordinating mitigations. One such mitigation plan is:

All with H2 shields, H2 30s, and:
Cosmo Memory

Tank LB3, MT 90s, ST Reprisal, D1

(Tank LB priority: WAR > PLD > DRK > GNB)

Cosmo Dive #1 MT Reprisal, H2 120s, D2, D4
Wave Cannon #1

ST Reprisal, ST 90s, D3

ST invuln

Wave Cannon #2

MT Reprisal, MT 90s, H1 120s, D1

MT invuln

Cosmo Dive #2

ST Reprisal, D2, D4

Cosmo Meteor MT Reprisal, ST 90s, H2 120s, D3

The above mitigation plan was made in the absence of jobs that provide more than one sort of mitigation such as PLD’s Passage of Arms, AST’s Collective Unconsciousness, MCH’s Dismantle, or RDM’s Magick Barrier.

Cosmo Memory

Cosmo Memory is a Tank LB3 check- its damage still needs to be mitigated in addition to the Tank LB3.

As far as priorities go, the tank that LB3s should go:


This will also convert everyone with three stacks of Quickening Dynamis into a stack of Brilliant Dynamis.

Brilliant Dynamis

Burning with dynamis inspired by Omega's passion and exceeding own limits.

  • When a player with Brilliant Dynamis uses an LB3, the limit break gauge will be refilled, and Brilliant Dynamis will turn to Spark of Dynamis.
  • Mitigates a large portion of damage from Omega.

Spark of Dynamis

Burning with dynamis inspired by Omega's passion.

  • Mitigates a large portion of damage from Omega.

The Dynamis buffs are lost when a player dies, which will end up killing that player for all of Alpha’s Omega’s mechanics thereafter.


Before each mechanic combo starts, Alpha Omega will autoattack twice.

Alpha Omega's autoattack hit two players:

  1. Whoever is holding aggro (the MT).
  2. The furthest player.

Ensure the ST is the furthest player taking the autoattacks by having them stand outside the targeting circle, while the party stays inside.

Auto-attacks go through tank invulns. Tanks whose invuln leaves them at 1HP will need to be healed to survive incoming auto-attacks.

Cosmo Arrow → Cosmo Dive

Alpha Omega autoattacks twice before starting its first mechanic combination.

The first combination of mechanics is Alpha Omega’s version of the BRD and DRG LBs.

Cosmo Arrow fires two sets of line AoEs that travel sideways with each hit. How the party dodges these is determined by which set of AoEs appeared first.

Cosmo Dive targets the two closest players with a high-damage AoE (which should be taken by the tanks), and the furthest player with a shared-damgae AoE (the rest of the party).

Inside first Outside first

1. Inside telegraphs appear.

1. Outside telegraphs appear.

2. Outside telegraphs appear.

2. Inside telegraphs appear.

3. Inside AoEs resolve.

  1. In
  2. Wait
  3. Out
  4. Wait
  5. Out (spread)
  6. In

3. Outside AoEs resolve.

  1. Out
  2. Wait
  3. In
  4. Out (spread)
  5. In

4. Dodge AoEs.

  1. In
  2. Wait
  3. Out
  4. Wait
  5. Out (spread)
  6. In

4. Dodge AoEs.

  1. Out
  2. Wait
  3. In
  4. Out (spread)
  5. In

5. Dodge AoEs.

  1. In
  2. Wait
  3. Out
  4. Wait
  5. Out (spread)
  6. In

5. Dodge AoEs.

  1. Out
  2. Wait
  3. In
  4. Out (spread)
  5. In

6. Dodge AoEs.

  1. In
  2. Wait
  3. Out
  4. Wait
  5. Out (spread)
  6. In

6. Dodge AoEs.

  1. Out
  2. Wait
  3. In
  4. Out (spread)
  5. In

7. Dodge AoEs.

Alpha Omega will start casting Cosmo Dive.

  1. In
  2. Wait
  3. Out
  4. Wait
  5. Out (spread)
  6. In

7. Dodge AoEs.

Alpha Omega will start casting Cosmo Dive.

  1. Out
  2. Wait
  3. In
  4. Out (spread)
  5. In

8. Dodge AoEs.

  1. In
  2. Wait
  3. Out
  4. Wait
  5. Out (spread)
  6. In

8. Dodge AoEs.

  1. Out
  2. Wait
  3. In
  4. Out (spread)
  5. In

9. Take up Cosmo Dive positions.

9. Last AoEs.

Take up Cosmo Dive positions.

10. Last AoEs.

Cosmo Dive resolves shortly after.

10. Cosmo Dive resolves.

Unlimited Wave Cannon → Wave Cannon

Alpha Omega autoattacks twice before starting its second combination.

The next combination are two different Wave Cannons.

Unlimited Wave Cannon spawns four staggered “Exaflare” AoEs along an arc outside the arena in combination to six (large) baited AoEs under each player.

This is resolved by stacking together in the middle of the arena, and observing where the Exaflare arc begins. The party moves 1.5 waymarks (67 degrees) from the first Exaflare- this Exaflare would have passed the party by the time they reach its position, making movement simple.

Wave Cannon is the hard-hitting mechanic with this combination- the party needs to spread for two sets of four beams before stacking together to share one hard-hitting beam.

In particular, this final beam deals extra damage to the two front players, which should be the tanks.

1. Four consecutive Exaflare AoE telegraphs will appear on the outside of the arena.

The first Exaflare telegraph will appear just before the castbar finishes.

Stack in the middle to bait AoEs, before moving out, 1.5 markers before the first Exaflare telegraph.

2. Stagger-step on your way out.

By the time the third baited AoE appears, the first Exaflare would have passed and you should be just outside the boss's targeting circle.

Turn and continue baiting AoEs in the same direction that the Exaflares spawned.

3. There will be six baited AoEs in total.

4. Spread out as Alpha Omega casts Wave Cannon, targeting four random players.

5. Alpha Omega's second set of waves hit the other four players.

6. Stack together south, with both tanks in front to take the final shared beam.

This is an extremely hard-hitting tankbuster.

  • MT: Heavy mitigation
  • ST: Invuln

## Cosmo Arrow → Wave Cannon

Alpha Omega autoattacks twice before starting its third mechanic combination.

This Cosmo Arrow is independent to the first Cosmo Arrow at the start of the phase- it will not necessarily be the “opposite” to the first.

The catch this time as the Wave Cannon in the middle, as the party will now need to spread for the two sets of four beams while dodging the Cosmo Arrow.

The final Wave Cannon beam resolves shortly after Cosmo Arrow finishes.

Inside first Outside first

1. Inside telegraphs appear.

1. Outside telegraphs appear.

2. Outside telegraphs appear.

2. Inside telegraphs appear.

3. Inside AoEs resolve.

  1. In
  2. Wait
  3. Out
  4. Wait
  5. Out (spread)
  6. In

3. Outside AoEs resolve.

  1. Out
  2. Wait
  3. In
  4. Out (spread)
  5. In

4. Dodge AoEs.

  1. In
  2. Wait
  3. Out
  4. Wait
  5. Out (spread)
  6. In

4. Dodge AoEs.

  1. Out
  2. Wait
  3. In
  4. Out (spread)
  5. In

5. Dodge AoEs.

  1. In
  2. Wait
  3. Out
  4. Wait
  5. Out (spread)
  6. In

5. Dodge AoEs.

  1. Out
  2. Wait
  3. In
  4. Out (spread)
  5. In

6. Dodge AoEs.

Alpha Omega starts casting Wave Cannon.

  1. In
  2. Wait
  3. Out
  4. Wait
  5. Out (spread)
  6. In

6. Dodge AoEs.

Alpha Omega starts casting Wave Cannon.

  1. Out
  2. Wait
  3. In
  4. Out (spread)
  5. In

7. Dodge AoEs.

  1. In
  2. Wait
  3. Out
  4. Wait
  5. Out (spread)
  6. In

7. Dodge AoEs.

  1. Out
  2. Wait
  3. In
  4. Out (spread)
  5. In

8. Dodge AoEs.

First set of Wave Cannons resolve.

  1. In
  2. Wait
  3. Out
  4. Wait
  5. Out (spread)
  6. In

8. Dodge AoEs.

First set of Wave Cannons resolve.

  1. Out
  2. Wait
  3. In
  4. Out (spread)
  5. In

9. Dodge AoEs.

Second set of Wave Cannons resolve.

  1. In
  2. Wait
  3. Out
  4. Wait
  5. Out (spread)
  6. In

9. Last AoEs.

Second set of Wave Cannons resolve.

  1. Out
  2. Wait
  3. In
  4. Out (spread)
  5. In

10. Last AoEs.

Move to prepare for the last shared Wave Cannon.

10. Move to prepare for the last shared Wave Cannon.

11. Stack together South (tanks in front) for the Wave Cannon

  • MT: Invuln
  • ST: Heavy mitigations

Unlimited Wave Cannon → Cosmo Dive

Alpha Omega autoattacks twice before starting its fourth mechanic combination.

This is probably the simplest of all four combinations- dodge Unlimited Wave Cannon the same way as before, only this time, the party will stay where they are after dodging the sixth baited AoE to share the Cosmo Dive stack.

The tanks will move forward into the boss’s hitbox, with the MT going to the left, and the ST to the right.

1. Just like before, four consecutive Exaflare AoE telegraphs will appear on the outside of the arena.

The first Exaflare telegraph will appear just before the castbar finishes.

Stack in the middle to bait AoEs, before moving out, 1.5 markers before the first Exaflare telegraph.

2. Stagger-step on your way out.

By the time the third baited AoE appears, the first Exaflare would have passed and you should be just outside the boss's targeting circle.

Turn and continue baiting AoEs in the same direction that the Exaflares spawned.

3. There will be six baited AoEs in total.

4. The party stays where they are outside the boss's targeting circle to share one of Cosmo Dive's AoEs, while the MT and ST move forward to take the other two.

  • MT: Go forward and to the left.
  • ST: Go forward and to the right.

Cosmo Meteor

Alpha Omega autoattacks twice before casting Cosmo Meteor.

This is the final mechanic of the fight, and marks the start to the LB3 rush this fight is known for.

1. Stack in the center of the arena to bait AoEs.

2. When the telegraphed AoE appears, spread out to your waymarked positions, and Caster LB3 targeting the center after dodging the telegraphed AoE.

3. Two large Cosmo Meteors will spawn North and South, and five small Cosmo Comets will spawn around the edge of the boss's hitbox.

The Caster LB3 will destroy all the Cosmo Comets, and damage the Meteors.

Do not attack the Comets and Meteors during this period, focusing on Alpha Omega instead.

Four random players get an untelegraphed AoE on them. Healers can move back in closer to the center to heal the party.

4. The four players that weren't hit by the untelegraphed AoEs now get hit.

5. After the Caster LB3 resolves, the party will take a second set of Cosmo Meteor AoEs, targeting players four at a time.

6. Like the previous set of Cosmo Meteor AoEs, the four players that weren't hit before now get hit.

7. When the Limit Break bar replenishes, use a Ranged LB3 from North (or south) to finish off the two Cosmo Meteors.

Around the same time, three Flare markers will appear on three random players.

Because D3 is in the middle of their LB3, they will not be able to move, and the party will need to adjust around D3 depending on whether D3 has a Flare marker.

8. Have the three Flare markers move to cardinal locations. One of the remaining five players will be targeted for an untelegraphed shared damage AoE.

  • If D3 has a Flare: Flare players go N (D3), W, and E. The party stacks S.
  • If D3 does not have a Flare: Flare players go S, W, and E. The party stacks N.

Magic Number

From here, Alpha Omega will cast Magic Number, which must be mitigated with a Tank LB3. Magic Number will also apply a debuff by the same name on all members of the party, which must be dispelled with a Healer LB3.

Affected by a factor that Omega previously considered meaningless. This effect can be dispelled via healer limit break.

  • Kills the player when the debuff timer (6s) expires.
  • This debuff can only be removed via Healer LB3.

Alpha Omega will do a second Magic Number (requiring another Tank into Healer LB3) before casting Run: ****mi* (which is a 30-second cast) as the hard enrage of the fight.

Buff windows

There are three buff windows in P6, and each player can use a potions once.

However, because players will be taking turns LB3’ing, some players will prefer not to use their potions at certain buff windows.

1. Opener

The tank that LB3s should not use potions here.

If you did not use potions immediately at the end of Delta, they will not be available here.

2. Immediately after Wave Cannon #2

If 2-minute buffs are delayed here, the next 2-minute window will be cut short by the enrage.

Healers and Casters should not use potions here because of upcoming movement.

Melee DPS can use potions here, but be careful as both melees will need to LB3 after dodging Exaflares, and have them finish before Cosmo Meteor starts.

3. Halfway into the enrage cast

The melee that will LB3 after the Healer LB3s should not use potions here.

Potions should be used immediately after the second Healer LB3 (when Run: ****mi* starts) to get the full use before the enrage resolves.

2-minute buffs will come up halfway into the pot duration and may be clipped by the enrage depending on their duration, and how much they were delayed after Wave Cannon #2.</p>

Frequently Asked Questions

[Death Wall] Will the Death Wall kill you if you use an ability while still in it (similar to resurrection invulnerability)?

No, it won't. The death wall activates based on time, not player activity.

[Cosmo Memory] Why is the tank LB3 priority WAR > PLD > DRK > GNB?

Which tank should LB3 is determined by who loses the least from doing so.

Because a WAR's and a DRK's burst is based on stacks with a very lenient timer (Inner Release and Delirium), it is very flexible.

WAR and DRK get to use their 1m cooldowns on time with the rest of the party and still get the full benefit of their cooldowns, losing only a couple of filler GCDs.

In contrast, PLD and GNB have their bursts on a timer (Fight or Flight and No Mercy), and their rotation revolves around getting as many attacks in that buff window as they can.

As a result, a PLD or GNB either has to desynchronise with the party raid buffs, or give up GCDs in their own window, neither of which are attractive choices.

[Wave Cannons] Why does the ST invuln first and not the MT?

There are a couple reasons for this:

  • If you happen to have a GNB (MT) + PLD (ST) for tanks, PLD must Hallowed Ground the first Solar Ray (before Delta) for them to get a Hallowed Ground use in P6.

    This then means the GNB would have to Superbolide the second Solar Ray (before Sigma), and if so, Superbolide won't be up in time for Wave Cannon #1.

  • If you have a WAR (MT), the mitigation plan has Shake it Off on Wave Cannon #2. This should coincide with Holmgang, because Shake it Off will dispel Vengeance and Bloodwhetting if used in the wrong order.

  • Finally, it makes more sense that the tank whose turn it is to use more party mitigations uses their invuln, simply to have fewer buttons to press overall.

[Wave Cannon 2] Why do we use H1 120s mitigation here? Don't we lose a use over the entire phase?

We lose a use over the entire phase, but this is done to hedge against the bad case where the preceeding Cosmo Arrow starts with the outside AoEs first.

Because Wave Cannon takes such a long time to resolve, we would really like something that lasts long enough to mitigate both the individual beams and the party stack while the party is potentially split up.

Temperance and Neutral Sect meet these requirements.

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