The Unending Coil of Bahamut (Ultimate)

PF largely follows Clees’ UCoB guide with a few differences:

  • Neurolinks are placed in an inverted triangle.
  • Blackfire Trio towers are flipped for tanks and healers (healers take the tower closer to the Megaflare stack).
  • Heavensfall Trio spread positions are different (both tanks always go towards Nael, both ranged always opposite Nael).
  • Tenstrike Trio is done with one safe spot (the south marker) instead of two.

BiS Notes

  • Any gear at or above i470 will have their substats capped.
  • Relic weapons will have their substats capped at 127.
  • The lowest potions you can use and still get maximum benefits are HQ Grade 3 Tinctures.


【Neurolinks】 【1st Phase Fireballs】
          MT, ST, D3 stay out
         【Liquid Hell】D3 > H2 baits
【1st Thunder Priority (1st line)】
  Left:MT ST H1 H2 D1 D2 D3 D4:Right
【Fire】In → Out → In (except 2nd Fire) → In
【Spread Positions (3rd line)】
  MT ST  ※ Ranged spread out
     ▲     appropriately
  D1 D2
 ■ Quickmarch Trio
  ※ Divebomb relative positions
   MT▼ST       (DPS)
  H1   H2 → (H1)MT★ST(H2)
  D1   D2       ◎
   D3 D4      DPS stack
 ■ Blackfire Trio
   Tower priority:  MT  ▼  D1
            ST      D2
            H2     D4
 ■ Fellruin Trio
 Spread around Nael:
   T H2 T   ※ H1 → on Neurolink
  D1 H1 D2    MT → Bahamut
   D3 D4     ST → Twintania
 ■ Heavensfall Trio
   MTST   ※ ST takes tower on Nael
  H1  H2    MTST→Towards Nael
  D1  D2  H1D1→Left H2D2→Right
   D3D4     D3D4→Opposite Nael
 ■ Tenstrike Trio
  Lineup:D3 H1 D1 MT ST D2 H2 D4
  1st Hatches:L > R targeted players
  2nd Hatches:L > R first three non-targeted
  Earthshakers:North (south Neurolink safe)
 ■ Grand Octet
   ※ Megaflare stack if no Tank LB3
―《Adds phase》――――――――――――――――
 MT→Twintania  ST→Nael
 【Liquid Hell】D3 baits
  D1  D2  ※ D4 switches with
           untargeted DPS
 【Spread positions】
   MT ST
  D1   D2
  H1   H2
   D3 D4
―《Golden Bahamut》―――――――――――――
【Morn Afah】(Tank LB if needed)
 ※ All with shields + H2 mitigation and:
  1. MT90s, ST Reprisal, D4
  2. ST90s, MT Reprisal, D3
  3. MT90s, ST Reprisal, D4
  4. ST90s, MT Reprisal
  5. MT90s, ST Reprisal, D3, D4
【Akh Morn】
 ※ Party at edge, tanks towards center
  1. Share (full buff) ※ at South waymark
  2. MT invuln
  3. ST invuln
  4. Share (full buff)


【拘束具の配置】 【最初の頭割り】
          MT, ST, D3は入らない
         【リキッド誘導】D3 > H2
【一回目雷デバフ 優先順位 】
  左:MT ST H1 H2 D1 D2 D3 D4:右
【炎】全員で受ける → 避ける → 全員で受ける (二回目で炎を受けた人を除く) → 全員で受ける
【散開位置 (三回目セリフ時)】
  MT ST  ※遠隔は周りをみて調整
  D1 D2
 ■ 進軍の三重奏
  ※ 三体が出現した場所を北とする。
   MT▼ST       (DPS)アースシェイカー
  H1   H2 → (H1)MT★ST(H2)
  D1   D2       ◎
   D3 D4      DPS 頭割り
 ■ 黒炎の三重奏
   塔の優先順位 :  MT  ▼  D1
            ST      D2
            H1頭割り D3
            H2     D4
 ■ 厄災の三重奏
   T H2 T   ※ H1 → 拘束具上
  D1 H1 D2    MT → バハ
   D3 D4     ST → ツインタニア
 ■ 天地の三重奏
   MTST   ※ STはネールの塔をとる
  H1  H2    MTST→ネール前
  D1  D2  H1D1→三体の左 H2D2→三体の右
   D3D4     D3D4→ネール反対側
 ■ 連撃の三重奏
   整列:D3 D1 H1 MT ST H2 D2 D4
  アースシェイカー:北 (南側の拘束具安置)
 ■ 群竜の三重奏
 MT→ツインタニア  ST→ネール
  D1  D2  ※ D4 マーカーがつかなかったDPSの拘束具をとる調整役
   MT ST
  D1   D2
  H1   H2
   D3 D4
 ※ すべてバリア + H2の軽減を入れること
  1. MT90秒, ST リプ, D4
  2. ST90秒, MT リプ, D3
  3. MT90秒, ST リプ, D4
  4. ST90秒, MT リプ
  5. MT90秒, ST リプ, D3, D4
 ※ パーティはボス端, タンクはボスの前へ
  1. 頭割り (フルバフ) ※ 南のマーカー上で受ける
  2. MT 無敵
  3. ST 無敵
  4. 頭割り (フルバフ)



  • 123: Neurolink positions.
  • 3: Stack position for transition to Nael.


  • 3: Stack position for transition to Bahamut.
  • 4: Stack position for Thermionic Beam, Fire tethers.

Bahamut Prime:

  • The ABCD markers are for Earthshakers in Tenstrike Trio.
  • 123: Spawn positions for bosses during Fellruin Trio. Knockback boundary for Heavensfall Trio.
  • 3: Safe spot for Tenstrike Trio. It should be a square for players to communicate their second Earthshaker positions.
  • 4: Stack point at the start of Blackfire Trio and the end of Heavensfall Trio. It is also used to see whether Bahamut is on a cardinal or intercardinal position during Grand Octet (edge = cardinal, corner = intercardinal).

Golden Bahamut:

  • 3: Where tanks will stack for the first Akh Morn in Golden Bahamut.

XIVLauncher WaymarkPresetPlugin positions


Nael divebombs

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